Let the Kids Have Control (sometimes) The story of Koa from the Santos Family

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children's portraits

So here’s an example of why I like to go with the flow (most of the time) in a session. Before we get into it, let’s just thank film again for the soft, glowiness it leaves us with. The colors just make me so happy to look at. Can’t get that kind of balanced development without Rewind Film Lab, though. Everyone dressed in earth tones is the icing on the cake! It’s truly a group effort. 😉 

Now, back to why going with the flow is good for a session. Kids are so enthusiastic about life and curious about the world around them. Give them a place where they can run free, they will waste no time.

“Come with me!”, Koa called. We followed along to the first spot he was interested in (could still shoot there), and had to say no to the 2nd spot he wanted to explore (too dark over there. He didn’t love that). The third time he asked his dad had that look on his face.  If facial expressions could talk it might have said something like “Can you just follow us?  I’m trying to be respectful to Cassie and follow her lead, you’re making that hard and slowing us down, plus, I don’t want to climb that dune”. I saw the look, looked back at Koa, and promptly invited myself. I I knew he was on to something. The top of the dune would have great views. Thankfully he said I could be the one to go with him. After a few negotiations for me to photograph him before we went, we started our adventure. I could feel the relief for everyone. 😆  We climbed up to what he named “Koa’s Secret Spot”. So cute. He saw Mom, Dad, and Big Bro far below him and waived, so enthusiastically, calling out “Look at me!”, as if he couldn’t believe his discovery. It was so awesome up there I promised him we would bring everyone back to that spot after we went down to the beach. Deal. 🤝 

Kids in a certain age range are much more willing to do what you ask when you also do what they ask. They don’t want to be told what to do any more than we do. (Though in a photo shoot, I want to be told what to do 😉 ). But you know what I mean. I find kids are easier to photograph in their most natural state, which is already being compromised by not knowing me (this was our first shoot together), so to bring him into a world where he felt like he had the power and control was exactly what I needed to see his personality shine. So we got these images. And later more images because we convinced everyone is wasn’t to be missed in our little experience of Salmon Creek Beach. Everyone agreed. 

See guys! Sometimes the magic is right in the moment. Maybe not every time, but enough to keep us curious and looking for it, and that’s what I love about the magic and mysteries in the world.