Website Makeover by Jessie Mary & Co.

It’s been such a relief to work with someone on my site who is as responsive and knowledgeable as Jessie Mary & Co. What set her above others for me was the fact that she used to be a photographer, so she knows the business, AND has versed herself in the technical side of using the internet and your website to get yourself out there and known. She’s current and honest. She really listens to your ideas and desires and makes great suggestions that I couldn’t have, wouldn’t have, thought of on my own.
First, looking at my site and filling me in on what is great about it, and then what is missing that could add more to the viewers experience, was eye opening and got me feeling really inspired. I’m very happy with the results. I put a lot of my photography work and myself into the copy. I hope you love it too and it gives you a better sense of who you’re working with when you choose Cassie Green Photography. Oh! And if you need a website rebuild/model use Jessica!

Take a peek here!